Healing Is Not Linear

Healing Is Not Linear

Embracing the Complexity of the Body’s Stories

When we think about healing, we often envision a straight path—one where we move from pain to relief, from confusion to clarity. However, the truth is that healing is rarely a linear journey. Our bodies are intricate tapestries woven with countless stories, memories, and emotions, each residing at different levels of our being. Understanding this complexity is essential for meaningful healing.

The Multilayered Nature of Healing

Our bodies store experiences not only physically but also energetically and emotionally. These layers include:

  1. Physical Body: This is the most tangible layer, holding onto tension, pain, and trauma. It tells the story of our physical experiences and daily lives.
  2. Energy Bodies: Beyond the physical, we have subtle energy bodies that are influenced by our emotions, thoughts, and spiritual experiences. These energies can be disrupted by stress or trauma, affecting our overall well-being.
  3. Nervous System: This complex network regulates our responses to stress and safety. It can become dysregulated due to past experiences, influencing how we respond to present situations.
  4. Unconscious and Hidden Parts: There are aspects of ourselves that remain hidden—fears, unresolved emotions, and past traumas. These layers often require gentle exploration to bring them to light.

Speaking the Body’s Language

To facilitate healing, it’s vital to approach these layers in a way that resonates with each one. Healing cannot be a one-size-fits-all process; instead, it requires a deep understanding of the body’s unique language. Here’s how we can communicate with each layer:

  • Intentional Touch: Touch can convey safety, support, and compassion. Through techniques like massage, craniosacral therapy, or energy work, we can connect with the physical body, helping it release tension and trauma.
  • Energy Work: This approach allows us to address the energy bodies, facilitating the flow of energy and promoting balance. By tuning into these subtle energies, we can help heal emotional wounds and restore harmony.
  • Nervous System Regulation: Practices such as breathwork, grounding techniques, and mindfulness help to soothe the nervous system, creating a sense of safety and calm. This is crucial for allowing the body to process and release stored experiences.
  • Exploration of the Unconscious: Engaging with the hidden parts of ourselves often involves gentle inquiry and introspection. Techniques such as somatic experiencing or guided visualization can help bring these aspects into consciousness, facilitating healing.

The Importance of Integrative Healing

Because of the multifaceted nature of healing, integrative approaches are essential. Each session becomes a unique collaboration between you and the practitioner, allowing for an individualized experience that honors all layers of your being. This integrative process acknowledges that:

  • Healing is Personal: What works for one person may not resonate with another. By tuning into the body’s inner wisdom and intuition, we can tailor each session to meet your specific needs.
  • Every Layer Matters: No aspect of your experience should be denied or overlooked. True healing requires a holistic approach that honors the full spectrum of the human experience.
  • Patience is Key: Healing unfolds in its own time. Some layers may respond quickly, while others may require more attention and care. Trusting this process is essential for meaningful transformation.

Embracing the Nonlinear Journey

As you navigate your healing journey, remember that it is not a straight line. There will be ups and downs, moments of clarity and confusion, and layers that may take time to unveil. Embrace this complexity, knowing that every experience contributes to your growth.

Healing is an invitation to listen deeply—to your body, your emotions, and your spirit. By honoring each layer and communicating in a way that resonates, you open the door to profound transformation and wholeness.


In the end, healing is a beautifully intricate dance between the layers of your being. By embracing the nonlinear nature of this journey and recognizing that your body holds many stories, you allow for a richer, more profound healing experience. Trust in your body’s wisdom, and allow the process to unfold in its own unique way. Healing is not just about reaching a destination; it’s about embracing the journey itself.

What is Bodywork? Is it not just massage?

What is Bodywork? Is it not just massage?

What is Bodywork? Is it not just a massage?

When people ask me what I do, I respond with “I’m a Bodyworker” and sometimes this causes facial contortions as they try to imagine me working under the hood of their car and so I follow with “Like massage” and then they say “Oh! Like an RMT!” and then to them I say this:

I am a Certified Bodywork Therapist – this means that my scope of practice is not only to treat your physical body but also your emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. While bodywork may include massage techniques, my approach to session design is holistic and integrative, in that I treat to include all aspects of you. Humans are multi-dimensional beings with endless layers, nuances, and unique experiences – no two of us are the same so neither should our treatments be.

The term bodywork is a catch-all term for any body-based therapy that holds the intention of supporting someone to come into greater balance and ease in their body. Bodywork is about developing a deeper awareness of your body including understanding its patterns, habits, pains, sensations, and power. It’s like exploring a new language or landscape to understand and communicate with a part of oneself that may feel distant or unfamiliar.

Bodywork can help address:

  • muscle pain and tension
  • postural alignment
  • injury rehabilitation
  • stress & anxiety
  • nervous system dysregulation
  • digestive issues
  • sleep disorders.

As the practitioner, I am not here to ‘fix’ or ‘heal’ you – what I’m offering, is a space for your body to come into a state of regulation so it can receive and heal which it innately wants to do.

Typically, my style of bodywork is not a passive treatment. This work is conscious and collaborative – “we cannot heal what we do not feel”. The body is incredibly intelligent and often holding patterns, pain, or coping strategies at one time served a purpose – for protection or compensation. So we need to create a feeling of safety in the body for it to be able to soften – to let go. Sometimes we don’t even know what we’re shielding until we’re gently guided to look at it – we so often shut parts of ourselves down and pack them away and it is through bodywork that all of these parts are invited to integrate.

As a bodyworker, I am trained in many modalities, each with a different lens but all with the same client-centred thread that believes that by bridging the gap between mind and body, the body will reorient toward greater balance and ease. These modalities include myofascial and structural work, Shiatsu, energy medicine, breath, Somatic Experiencing, Deep Flow and Craniosacral.

Visit here to learn more about me and my training. 

If you have any further questions about this work and/or are curious about a FREE discovery session. I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out @ sacredlysomatic@gmail.com