
Workshops &

The Owner of Phi Massage & Well-Being Centre, Britta has followed her parents’ passions for contributing to their community. Alongside her private practice, Britta produces events and workshops that are in alignment with her experience and training. All workshops and events held at Phi unless noted otherwise. Please scroll to bottom for information regarding a QiGong Workshop Series starting March, 2023.

Since 2009 Britta has produced regular ongoing workshops and events.
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Gila Golub Level 1 & 2 Workshops
(Britta has assisted in facilitation of these workshops since 2002)

Breathwork Workshops (clients only)

Weekly Circle
Gila Golub Level 1 & 2 participants only


Britta has also been involved with producing:

Agata Burdziuk 2020

Mark Wolynn (2014-2020)

Shadow Energetics with Darryl Gurney 2014

Dr. Gordon Neufeld (2011)

PSYCH-K™ Basic & Advanced 2009-2015

Creatures of Habitat 2009 (co-founder)

The Sidney Health Fair 2006-2011
(co-founder and president of the NGO SIWCS)


Gila Golub Level 1 & 2 Workshops

The next set of Workshops TBA.

Gila Golub Level 1 & 2 are a set of workshops that have the potential to profoundly transform your life, and your legacy.

If you are serious about your interest in signing up, please contact Britta to begin by booking an appointment.

Britta has been involved with producing these Workshops for over 10 years and has witnessed immeasurable transformations in hundreds of clients that have participated.

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These workshops include dynamic teaching and experiential processes which begin the journey from unconsciousness to consciousness, from a fear-based belief system to a love-based belief system. To ensure that each participant is completely supported and facilitated, there is at least one trained team member for every two participants.

Gila Golub Level One – “WHAT’S YOUR WAKE-UP CALL?” – Wake-up calls come in different levels of intensity throughout one’s life. A wake-up call might be an illness or an injury, a car crash, a loss of income or difficulty in relationships. In Level One we focus on the Family of Origin to show how these relationships shape our responses to the wake-up calls we encounter. Using a Clearing Process we learn about the messages that we took on from our environment that continue to run our lives, and then how to release and replace those messages. In keeping with the philosophy that our thoughts create our reality, we learn many ways to change our thoughts so that over time we create a life of peace, prosperity, health and joy. We complete Level One standing together, with like-minded people, and with guidance, continue to support one another.

Gila Golub Level Two – “RELATIONSHIP AS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE”, we explore how we have brought our unresolved Family of Origin issues into all of our current relationships and how we are definitely passing those unresolved issues onto our children. The acclaimed neuroscientist and UCLA professor Dr Daniel Siegel stresses “how a deeper self-understanding can help us raise children who thrive.” We also learn about how our relationships serve as mirrors, showing us those parts of ourselves we have not yet accepted and healed. Dysfunctional relationships are central to human suffering, so repairing and healing relationships, especially the relationship with Self, is the most important part and greatest focus of The Work.

Sidney 2020
FALL SIDNEY LEVEL 1 WORKSHOP: SEPTEMBER 11 – 13, 2020 Registration Open
FALL SIDNEY LEVEL 2 WORKSHOP: OCTOBER 2 – 4, 2020 Registration Open


Currently being offered virtually weekly on Tuesdays (Vancouver) and alternating Monthly In person and Virtual on Thursdays (Sidney) 

CIRCLE is an ongoing, weekly support group for those who have completed the Level 1 Workshop. These evenings are facilitated by Britta in Sidney and Gila in Vancouver. They provide an opportunity to continue with the processes begun in the workshops and private sessions.

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It is understood that learning a new paradigm, a new way of thinking and living, takes a great deal of practice and support. Circle provides an exceptional opportunity to guide and support each other in remembering, practicing and integrating the tools and information of the material so that they are available moment-by-moment in our daily life, where it really counts. As in the workshops, our Circles are a place of incredible safety. 

There are also regular monthly men’s Circle in Sidney and Vancouver for those men who have completed the introductory workshops. 

Team Training

After participation in Levels 1 & 2, clients are eligible to train to be on the Support Team at workshops. This provides the opportunity to take the Levels 1 & 2 workshops over and over again, and to continue to integrate the material into your life.


September 7 & 8, 2024

Breathwork is an ongoing opportunity to express emotions that have been repressed by accessing a non-ordinary state of consciousness through our breath, evocative music and a safe environment. It is one of the most effective ways to release grief, sorrow, guilt, frustration and transform it to peace, acceptance, innocence and even joy.

Attendance eligibility is based on having a client relationship with Britta to ensure creating a container of safety and ongoing support.

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Dates: September 7 & 8, 2024
Time: 9am – 6pm (you must be on time and consider not making plans after)
Location: Funketown (7161 W. Saanich Rd Brentwood Bay)
Cost: $150/day $250 for both days
Health Considerations: 
– You must complete a Daily Health Check the evening before and the day of each Breathwork to determine whether you are at risk of being a carrier with any symptoms. This will be based on the honour system. In a Breathwork space we want to all do our part to limit and mitigate the risks of being a vector for illness. The Breathwork space will provide air purifiers, and windows/doors will be open where possible.
Please note: 
– Your attendance is based on your level of comfort with the parameters set out above. It you are not comfortable with this, you would not sign up. 
Breathwork is based on a pairing system. We will all endeavour to maintain our commitment to attendance and honour the pairing process. If one can not attend, the other does not get to have their Breathwork experience. We must also be considerate of the Health policy for the space. If you are unable to attend, you must let me know immediately so that I can accommodate the change as best as possible. 
What to bring: prepared picnic lunch and/or snacks, mat, pillows, blankets, water bottle, journal, eye shades (optional). 
What to wear: Comfortable layered clothing.
Please note the contra-indication of pregnancy & if you have asthma, you would bring your inhaler.
Workshop is enrolment dependant.

Family Constellations

September 6, 2024  With Valerie Maundrell

Family Constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship in order to address any stressors impacting these relationships and heal them.

Date: September 6, 2024
Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm (You must be on time. Being late is not an option.)
Location: Phi Massage & Well-Being Centre (9752 Third St. Sidney, BC)
Cost: This event is being offered by donation. A sliding scale of $20-$150 is appreciated. We do not want finances to limit your attendance. Please offer what you can. 
What to bring: an open mind and heart
What to wear: Comfortable layered clothing and comfortable shoes.

Events & Workshops

How can I find out more about workshops & events offered through Phi?

When there is a new event being offered through Phi, a Newsletter with detailed information is distributed. If you would like to be included in those distributions, please subscribe using the link on our website.

Is everyone eligible to attend all workshops & events offered through Phi?

Every event produced by Phi has different criteria of eligibility around attendance. Please refer to each event to read the parameters and contact us if you have further questions.

How do I register for workshops & events offered through Phi?

Every event produced by Phi has different criteria for registration. The criteria for each one will be clearly outlined in the newsletter announcing each event or workshop. If you would like to subscribe, please use the link on our website. If you are interested in registering for an event that has open eligibility, please contact Britta to express your interest and begin the process of registration. If you are interested in attending an event/workshop that requires being a client of Britta, you can contact her to book an appointment. Please note, there is a waiting list.

How much do the workshops and events cost?

Every event produced by Phi has different price points depending on overhead and there is a broad range. The criteria for each one will be clearly outlined in the newsletter announcing each event or workshop. If you would like to subscribe, please use the link on our website.


“I felt doubt initially, as is my usual ‘go-to’ when it comes to trying new things in my life…I joined Level 1& 2 anyway, (and later Level 3)…because my life with a struggling high needs son was more than I could handle—I was floundering, I needed to be more, for my son…the learnings from these group workshops informed me with the knowledge that I found inside myself—I made it ‘my own’…the aftermath offerings of weekly Circle meetings allow me to practice, apply, strengthen, and learn more by being supported by and supporting others in the Circle. Now today I am a much stronger me. I see my son as whole and complete as he is and I witness his budding process through new eyes. He is doing great because I have looked after myself and am flourishing with confidence.
Carolyn McKellar