Holistic Counselling & Process Work
Confidential & Caring
Britta Frombach,
Holistic Counselling
& Process Work

The owner of Phi Massage & Well-Being Center, Britta has been a lifelong student of exploring personal growth and well-being.
While meditating in yoga positions, Britta’s mom considered becoming a pastor before concentrating her interest in serving her community by pursuing a degree in Psychology. This led to lively and interesting discussions around the dinner table regarding the human experience. Through these influences, starting as early as the age of 11, Britta was reading books on religions of the world and texts on abnormal psychology, she was attending services of many different faiths and attending mind-expanding lectures, she was fascinated with the mind/body connection and was pursuing yoga or fitness and non-ordinary states of consciousness, all while spending hours of reflection under the skies of the Saskatchewan Plains.
Due to her own experiences with depression from a very young age, part of the driving force behind Britta’s curiosity was a motivation to seek relief from her, at times, incapacitating symptoms.
After years of personal study, in her late 20’s Britta found a mentor [Gila Golub] that helped to transform her relationship with depression and every other relationship in her life, beginning with her relationship to herself. This began an over two-decade mentorship which has led to ongoing self-guided continuing education and an evolution to private practice upon request for more than 15 years.
Britta has pursued both formal and informal study completing certification in a wide array of training and modalities on top of ongoing continuing education to maintain her designation as an RMT.
Certifications include:
• Gordon Neufeld Level I, II, III
• PSYCH-K ™- Basic, Advanced, Professionals
• Shadow Energetics with Darryl Gurney
• Self Regulation Therapy Foundation Level
• Mark Wolynn Family Constellations Facilitator Training
• Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate
Britta is continually exposing herself to different teachers and guides through lectures, books and teachings.
- Geetaji Iyengar (Intensive)
- Dr. James Hollis
- Dr. Gordon Neufeld
- Bruce Lipton and Lee Pulos
- Carolyn Myss
- Marianne Williamson
- Dr. Vanessa Lapointe
- Allison Rees
- Gabor Mate
- Stanislov Grof
- Deepak Chopra
- Vaidya Mishra
- Canadian Foundation for Trauma Research & Education
Books and teachings:
- Byron Katies Inquiry Process
- Brene Brown
- Eckhart Tolle
- Debbie Ford
- Peter Levine
- NVC by Marshall Rosenburg
- Don Miguel Ruiz
- John Bradshaw
- Brian Weiss
- James Hillman
- Alice Miller
This is by no means an exhaustive list and Britta draws from all of this to combine her personal experience with all of her training and study in a unique way. Her approach is to assist clients to find their own internal guidance system in order to move through underlying trauma or childhood wounds. Britta has a very compassionate and involved approach that often has her clients experiencing transformations in their lives even after one session.
Please see testimonials to help determine if working with Britta might be the next step for you.
Kerry Bowman,
Facilitator &
process Work

By encompassing over a decade of training and practice, Kerry is adept at understanding trauma, Universal truths over ego, conscious parenting, and identifying messages held within the body. Kerry can assess an environment through wide-angle and zoom lenses, giving her valuable insight on how to assist her client. When listening to clients, Kerry can quickly identify core issues, core language and many other shifts in energy that are holding people back from realizing their full potential. With the use of intuition and PsychK™, Kerry shows her client how to shift these imbalances bringing deeper peace and understanding. In-depth training and mentorship in several holistic theories—PsychK™, Shadow Energetics, Attachment Theory, and Mindful Listening—means that Kerry’s approach is multifaceted; no session is the same.
Born and raised on Vancouver Island to young, volatile, often absent parents, Kerry’s journey has provided her with a profound understanding of how healing can happen, and this “walking the talk” has proven to be an invaluable asset in guiding others on their path to self-healing and empowerment.
Focusing on understanding the subtle energies and messages of the universe and how to implement them practically, Kerry will walk alongside willing individuals as they navigate the complex depths of their stories, both conscious and unconscious, helping them better align themselves, body, mind, and spirit. Creating a safe and supportive relationship that fosters self-connection and self-healing with the use of humour and storytelling, Kerry can guide you back to yourself in a supportive and non-judgmental way.
Clearing Process

Having been raised in Rural Saanich on Vancouver Island, to a family lineage in the area dating back to the early 1900’s, Cristi’s sense of small town community is embedded into her very being. Several years ago, she became dedicated to studies in consciousness work and attachment theory and developed a passion for honoring and healing her own family system. She believes deeply in the efficacy of process work, the profound capacity we have to experience fulfilling relationships, and the power of community to support the journey.
Cristi facilitates inner process work using a modality called ‘The Clearing Process.’ Developed by Gila Golub (based on A Course in Miracles), this exercise effectively reveals and transmutes layers of the intergenerational impact of early unmet attachment needs.
Offered to participants of Gila’s Level 1 & 2 Workshops, this service is part of the ongoing follow-up available to her clients.
* Sessions are 1 hour per Clearing, at $100/hr. Sliding-scale arrangements can be made on an individual basis to ensure accessibility.
Phi Services
Holistic Counselling & Process Work
For appointments with Britta:
• 1.5 hour sessions are required for an initial visit
• Payment is based on an hourly rate and will be prorated to time used.
• Follow up sessions are minimum 1 hour.
• Online sessions only.
For appointments with Kerry:
• Online 1 hour sessions bookable online.
• In person sessions available upon request.
For appointments with Cristi:
• Online 1 hour sessions bookable online.
• Currently online sessions only
Please allow for advanced notice to accommodate any specific needs.
All appointment changes or cancellations require 24 hours notice.
Extended Health benefits are not available.
Book an appointment
Book an appointment with our
Therapists at Phi Massage
& Well-being Centre.
Are the Counselling Services provided eligible for Extended Benefits?
No. Although experienced in working with clients Britta Frombach And Kerry Bowman are not Accredited.
Are online sessions available?
Yes. Confidential online sessions are scheduled once a time is arranged.
How do I choose the right therapist for me?
It is important to have an idea of what your seeking assistance with and to then research who might be a fit with what you are looking for. Asking friends for referrals if you feel comfortable with that approach can be very helpful as well. Once you have a few names of therapists, and you’ve done some research, it is important to get a sense of which therapist resonates the most with all the things you’re looking for as you learn more about them. It may take some time to ‘interview’ more than one therapist or even for more than one session before getting a sense of if it is a good fit for you. There are so many therapists and so many modalities and only one you. Take care to take the time to find the fit for you.
How many sessions do I need?
There are different approaches to this in therapy. Britta Frombachs’ approach is client-driven. She may make some suggestions from her experience, but ultimately it is up to the client to get a sense of what works for them.
How do I know that this will work for me?
Everyone is different. However, when you feel comfortable with your therapist, and the right treatment approaches are used, there is a very good chance that you will experience transformation. Britta has a great deal of experience assisting her clients to develop trust in themselves and to feel empowered to make changes that support their growth.
What will happen during sessions?
At the initial visit, the reasons that you have decided to come for counselling will be discussed, and then a reflection of how you arrived to these issues will be considered. This will be built upon in subsequent sessions.