Registered Acupuncture

Gentle & Compassionate


Acupuncture Therapist

Shylo’s journey into the healing arts began with a series of hospitalizations throughout her 20’s. Striving to find balance in her life, she was drawn to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In 2005, she trained in California, receiving certification to both practice and teach bodymind acupressure. 

In 2006, Shylo began her studies of TCM in Vancouver, BC. Inspired by what she had learned, she opened a wellness collective in Parksville, BC where she practiced and collaborated with other practitioners of various modalities. 

Her interest in TCM drew her back into her studies and from 2015-2017 she completed the pre-requisites required to return to acupuncture college, graduating with honours from Camosun College’s Arts and Sciences Diploma Program. From 2017-2020, Shylo studied TCM at Oshio College in Victoria, graduating from the program in 2020.

Shylo’s life experiences have helped her develop a deeply compassionate nature. She has a general practice with success in treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal issues such as lower back, hip, shoulder, and neck pain, digestive disorders, diabetes, sleep disorders, and mental emotional health concerns. She believes in the natural intelligence of the body and its ability to return to health when the proper conditions are met. 


Registered Acupuncture Services

Acupuncture Services

Session times vary. Please contact Shylo or book online for specifications. 
Gift Certificates available
All appointment changes and cancellations require 24 hour notice and may be subject to a charge. 

Book an appointment
Book an appointment with our
Therapist at Phi Massage
& Well-being Centre.



Does acupuncture hurt?
Generally no, acupuncture does not hurt. The needles are very thin. However, the sensation of DeQi or “grabbing the Qi” is a unique experience which, for some, may be felt quite intensely as the needle is inserted into some points, this feeling will dissipate almost instantly. This usually happens if there is a blockage, other insertions at these points, following the initial intensity, may not be felt at all as the necessary healing has occurred. Some may feel the sensation travel along the meridians.
What are meridians?
Meridians are pathways that transport Qi throughout our bodies. They function as a network which interconnects all parts of the bodymind.
How many treatments does it take to get results?
This depends on the individual however most people will experience results after the first treatment such as decreased pain in the body, lowered anxiety levels, and feelings of calm and well-being. Treatment plans will be created for each individual case.
What are the benefits of preventative medicine?
A skilled acupuncturist will be able to treat conditions at a mild level, addressing them before they become major issues. This allows for greater quality of life.
Are there any side effects to acupuncture treatment?
After acupuncture treatment, some patients may feel drowsy, if so it is advised they go for a walk before driving. Minor bleeding or bruising may occur in about 3% of treatments, bleeding is minimal and stops when the acupuncturist applies pressure to the site. Existing symptoms may worsen after treatment in about 3% of patients, this is know as a “healing crisis” and can lead to a breakthrough in the patient’s healing. Fainting may occur but is extremely rare, it is advised not to attend your acupuncture session when hungry or extremely fatigued.
What conditions can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can treat a variety of conditions including musculoskeletal issues, mental and emotional health concerns, internal organ disorders, and systemic or idiopathic conditions.


After being rear ended  by a drunk driver, I tried a wide range of treatments to deal with my post concussion symptoms.  Nothing seemed to work.  Finally, in desperation, I decided to try acupuncture and had my first treatment with Shylo Westergaard.  My initial scepticism was quickly dispelled and my sleeping and other problems soon started to improve.  She is a gentle and highly skilled professional who can help with a wide range of problems.  If you have never considered acupuncture, give it a try.  It really doesn’t hurt and you may be amazed by the results.  With Shylo you will certainly be in good hands.

Dr Jim Kempling


I became Shylo Westergaard’s client in April 2022 on the recommendation of my Naturopathic Oncologist.  Due to this introduction, Shylo became an integral part of my health team, with whom I am successfully keeping my rare incurable blood cancer in a very stable state.  My health has taken many dramatic turns over the last 11 months.  Shylo has continued to adjust her treatments to meet my physical and emotional challenges. Every treatment is customized to my current needs making dramatic improvements in my health.

Shylo’s knowledge is extensive but she still continues to research for possible solutions to my challenging health issues.  She is very professional, caring, and has made a huge positive impact on my health.


Natalie McCallum

I have been attending treatments with Shylo for the past 2 years in my recovery from several serious motor vehicle accidents.

I am so grateful for her depth of compassion and skill in treating my pain and reducing inflammation so that I am able to move more freely and sleep well.
Shylo’s gentle presence and comprehensive approach have been a true miracle in my life.

Dr. Madelaine Tiller, R. Psychologist #530
Health Care Provider in Psychology #4698